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5 Ghee Hacks Make Life Better

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Kourtney Kardashian, the health-minded and clean-eating Kardashian sister, loves ghee. Oh, please don’t judge us. Believe it or not, it seems she really gets it. In fact, she drinks ghee every morning and has been making it with her “Nana on my dad’s side” since childhood.

Kourtney in 4 Expert Secrets to Eating Ghee, says “Ghee is the first thing I put in my body every morning. I take one big teaspoon of ghee every morning, melt it on the stove in a pan and drink it out of a cute little ceramic white cup. After I take it, I don't eat anything for 20 minutes, and then I drink a glass of water before eating food. Sometimes I sneak half a teaspoon of melted ghee into my kids' warm milk because I believe in it so much."

She inspired us to offer some of our own ghee-related “secrets,” so here are five ghee hacks to make your life a little more ghee-ful.

#1 Morning Ghee: Coffee is high on antioxidants, which are rife with health benefits. Adding ghee to coffee actually helps increase those benefits by readily absorbing and distributing fat-soluble antioxidants throughout the body. Plus, coffee!!! See how to make the perfect ghee coffee here

#2 Travel Ghee: Find an airtight container, maybe a small glass jar, and make it into a travel ghee container. It’s so easy to add ghee to any meal, we suggest always having it with you. Pro tip: Check out our single-use packets. 

#3 Ghee Fried: It’s true, you can DEEP FRY pretty much anything with ghee thanks to its’ higher smoke point. As a saturated fat, ghee can be cooked at high heat and remain stable, unlike vegetable oils that release free radicals. Mind blown?

#4 Grassfed Ghee: Make sure it’s grassfed! This affects the flavor, the nutrients, and supports sustainable farming practices and fair treatment of animals. The more pure the ghee, the more healthy it is for you!

#5 : Photo-Friendly Ghee: DYK when you saute vegetables in ghee, they keep their original color? Don’t dim your food! Food that’s bright and vibrant on the outside is usually less processed and extra nutritious.

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